Thursday 21 April 2016

Talk about SICKLY sweet! We present to you an artist who is making amazingly realistic and creepy cakes, which are shocking people all over the world.
Katherine, pictured with a muscle-painted arm, said it started as a hobby but she would like to open a bakery in the future
Katherine Dey who is a registered nurse, is accustomed to seeing human anatomy and organs close up. But when she gets home to her log cabin in Nunda, New York, the 30-year-old sets to work at recreating them in the form of gory cakes.
Katherine, who studied illustration and sculpture at Rhode Island School of Design and worked in robotics before training as a nurse, specializes in making cakes based on organs and human body parts.
She first started making cakes a few years ago as a hobby. Her first project was a mushroom-covered tree stump before she moved on to gorier subject matters.
She told Daily Mail Online: 'I started off making a mushroom cake for my mushroom club, Rochester Area Mycological Association.
'I made them a tree stump covered in Lycoperdon pyriforme or puff balls. I remember carving the puff balls out of marshmallows. It was so much fun, cake making really became a hobby after that.'
As well as nursing and baking, she is also married, has two daughters aged four and six months and numerous pets which makes fitting everything in a balancing act.
She said: 'It is always a struggle to find time to do everything. I am working as a nurse, married with two kids, a new puppy, and 30 chickens. So I keep my supplies on hand and I work whenever I can.'
At the moment she makes cakes for fun but she said she would like to turn it into a business.
She said: 'I would love to open a bakery. I love the whole process of making these cakes and if it were possible I would do it full time.'
She said she likes making creations that make people feel multiple emotions in one go. 'I am inspired by a lot of things. I love that strange feeling I get when something looks real but it isn’t,' she told BuzzFeed. 'Or when a cake doesn’t look particularly appetizing but it is a cake and it tastes delicious.
'I like to make people feel two conflicting things at once. The subjects I choose are things that have interested me forever, be it anatomy, mushrooms, or portraiture.'
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