Wednesday 6 April 2016

A man has revealed very bizarre occurrences in his home involving the way his wife poops around the house all the time.
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The enraged man from Bulawayo, Zimbabwe shamed his wife when he told the court openly that she was in the habit of relieving herself in the passage and other places in the house, apparently as a way of “fixing” him for allegedly abusing her.
The man, Luckson Muroiwa from Nkulumane 5 suburb’s grumble was heard at the Bulawayo Civil Court where his wife Eustina Chaita  had dragged him seeking a protection order against him.
According to Zimbabwe News Online, Chaita claimed that her husband was financially abusing her. She said Muroiwa was also in the habit of physically and verbally abusing her for no apparent reason.
Chaita told presiding magistrate Evylene Mashavakure that Muroiwa was breaching her peace through his violent behaviour.
“I am customarily married to Luckson Muroiwa and he has gone violent. He has beaten me several times for no apparent reason. I am tired of being verbally and physically abused over petty issues. He is also not financially supporting the family and is always throwing my belongings out of the house saying I should go back to my parents.

“The other day he threw away the floor polish I was preparing as I earn a living through selling it. By doing all this he is also emotionally and psychologically abusing me,” said Chaita.
Muroiwa denied the allegations levelled against him by Chaita and accused her of deliberately relieving herself in the passage for the purposes of fixing him.
“She is lying against me. Her problem is that she does not want to be reprimanded whenever she does something wrong.  Makamboona munhu mukuru anoitira tsvina mupassage zvakanakavo here? Have you ever seen a grown up person like her relieving herself in the passageand other places? is that proper? I think she is doing it to fix me since she is lying against me that I am abusing her.

“Coming to the issue of floor polish the plastics which she is using to make that polish are a health hazard as they cause us to cough. When I told her not to use the plastics, she became angry,” said Muroiwa.
Muroiwa was, however, left with egg on his face after his bid to apparently humiliate his wife as punishment for dragging him to the court bore no fruit. This was after the magistrate granted an order which compelled him not to physically, verbally and emotionally abuse his wife.


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