Sunday 24 April 2016

A woman has given a really sad detail of her life that is slowly and steadily driving her to thinking of suicide.
File photo used only for illustrative purpose
The woman told the heart-rending tale of her life and how much she has struggled to keep her head up above murky waters since she was way younger.
Read her account below:
Most times when I read about suicides on blogs and I read conclusions that the situation of this country might have been the reason; I'm always having a different opinion about it. 
Everything happening to me is worth suicide. The only thing stopping me is my belief of going to hell if I do. My story might sound familiar but this is my first time of writing this to a blog. 
It started when I was a child (in my late 20s now), even though I was so brilliant, I would either dream of sleeping with a goat, finding myself in the midst of witches naked and trying to fire them or finding myself in the visitors room and then seeing my same body laying back in the previous room after minutes or hours.
As a child,I thought they were just normal until I started growing up. I would lay on the bed and find it difficult to wake up with my lips sealed until I call 'Jesus' and there were times I would see my spirit leaving me while my body is still on the bed and it only come back until I call the name 'Jesus'.
So many times, I have seen three spirit on dark clothes trying to kill me while I sleep. About three years ago, while I was moody with tears running down my face(I cry everyday cos of my situation)I suddenly went on a trance and an image with a very very big round head appeared on my wall and I couldn't breath well nor say a word but called Jesus in my heart and it disappeared and all of a sudden,the lights came on.
I'm always being told that I have a great destiny but I don't know who I have offended that's making me suffer. I eat almost everyday in my dream and wake up sometimes with marks on my body.
I am beautiful with a lovely smile which make people even mates think i have people supporting me cos I carry myself well. No one will ever believe I'm a single girl managing to pay my bills. I'm one very responsible girl and this get lots of guys attracted to me. They tell me they want to get married to me and will even bug me all day to meet my parent but guess what? They will just leave for no reason.
My last relationship was with a guy I thought he would be the last. I had the principle of no sex before marriage and he was so comfortable with it,he would always say sweet words to me and get jealous of any guy that try to say 'hi'. Cos of not loosing me,he wanted meeting my parents and having his babies immediately.
I wasn't dating 8months before I met him and thought he would be the one to wipe my tears away. He was so proud of me and even his friends knew it. But then,all went down. He was no longer interested again. I begged but he insisted to be and told his friends to tell me I should forget about him. I couldn't believe my ears.
This is the same and exact word I get to hear at last after every relationship no matter how they once promise to love me. I try staying out of relationship for years and several month and after much begging to give a chance,most would end up beating me as a way to show they got no interest again. I've got scar on my body from beatings. Despite my good behaviour,cooking ability,neatness and honesty,I can't get a man of my own. I read so hard but end up failing.
Loneliness and boredom is killing me as I got no close friends. All I do is to soak my bed with tears everyday and ask why God can't just kill me since he refused answering my prayers but before he do,he should please give me the grace to seek peace with him.
I have told my parents about it but they just feel it's a small thing and not taking it serious. I have visited churches(mfm included),pastors,prophets and prayed and fasted about it but nothing changed about it.
The part giving me sleepless night is that I will still be in school next year again (after spilling)and have been thinking hard how I will get my fees paid cos I dare not tell my parent. Not that I'm not reading hard but a course or curse keeps holding me back.
Please any advice you can render to me, I wouldn't mind.
I'm fed up with my life and wish I was never born to this wicked world. This is my life and it's real. Sorry for the long epistle. Thanks and God bless you all. (Amen)


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